Ways to Give

A Safe Place relies on the generosity of the community to help us provide free and confidential services for our program participants. While cash is always the most flexible form of donation because it allows us to direct your gift to whatever is needed most, there are lots of other ways you can help us to achieve our mission of working to eliminate domestic violence and sexual assault, and empowering every woman, man and child in the Nantucket community to live a life free from violence.

  • Donate items our participants need such as gift cards, food cards, non-perishable food, diapers, cleaning products and other household goods.
  • Ask your friends and family to make a donation in lieu of a gift for birthday, graduation, holiday, etc.
  • Donate your old cell phone to A Safe Place, Inc.
  • Ask your employer to match your donation to A Safe Place, Inc.
  • Host a dinner party or coffee/dessert at your home to raise awareness about A Safe Place’s mission and ask your friends to make a donation.
  • Sell an item on www.reusexchange.com and donate the proceeds to A Safe Place, Inc.
  • Donate your professional services to our participants such as legal representation, medical services, tax preparation and filing, babysitting, transportation and housing.
  • Have your business help underwrite an event.
  • AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support A Safe Place every time you shop at Amazon, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll select A Safe Place as your favorite charitable organization and a portion of each purchase price will go directly to the organization.

Unfortunately, we are usually UNABLE to accept donations of furniture and clothing due to lack of storage space.

Annual Appeal

Each year A Safe Place sends an appeal letter to the Nantucket community and our supporters off-island. Except for fundraising events, the Annual Appeal is the largest source of individual support for operations, staffing and programs.

Donate Online

Donate anytime – for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or in honor or memory of someone special to you.

Planned Giving

Please remember A Safe Place in your estate planning. Your financial advisor can help you determine what means are best for you (bequests or charitable lead and remainder trusts, insurance policies, or retirement plans and IRAs).


We are now able to accept gifts of stock.  Please call the office (508-228-0561) for more information.

Please contact us with any questions. We greatly appreciate any contribution you can make to support the work that we do.

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